Privacy Policy

Aglosi Inc. Privacy Practices
Below you will find Aglosi Inc.’s Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy. These policies apply to Aglosi Inc. and its affiliated companies (collectively “Aglosi”). 

Aglosi Inc. Privacy Policy
Aglosi Inc. Cookie Policy
Effective: Dec 30, 2020
Aglosi Inc understands that your privacy is vital to you. Aglosi Inc is steadfast in the protection of your confidentiality and privacy of personal information entrusted to it.
This Privacy Policy describes how Aglosi Inc handles and shields your personal data in connection with the hosting of its website,
1. Scope of this policy

This policy applies to your personal information which we collect and/or how it will be used by Aglosi Inc. The circumstances in which this would occur can be viewed below in section 5 entitled “Collecting personal information”.
When we provide Services to clients, we sometimes handle client’s personal information through our data platforms.
2. Overview
Aglosi collects personal or business information to provide business matchmaking strategic fitness advisory services to its clients. It also processes client personal information to manage its relationship with those clients. Further, Aglosi also collects some personal information from visitors to this website, recruitment applicants, and attendees at Aglosi events.
Aglosi uses personal information to deliver its Services to clients. For its own purposes, it also us representatives of its clients or prospective clients and to market to them, and to administer recruitment and events.
If Aglosi uses your personal information, you may have certain important rights which you can exercise. The rights you will be able to exercise will depend on how and why Aglosi uses your information.
The primary point of contact at Aglosi for questions regarding your personal information is personal information to analyze and improve how it delivers those services, to contacts.
3. Your Acceptance
In respect of personal information collected, your continued use of the websites constitutes your understanding of, and agreement to, the practices described in this Privacy Policy and elsewhere on the websites as well as any subsequent updates.
4. Collecting personal information?
We collect information about you if:
• you use this (or any other Aglosi) website;
• you inquire about, or engage Aglosi to provide, its Services
• the use of your personal information is reasonably necessary to provide our Services (in these circumstances, your personal information may be disclosed to us by our client who may obtain your personal information from a range of public or subscription sources, directly from you, or from your associates or persons known to you);
• you apply for a position with Aglosi;
• you attend an Aglosi hosted or sponsored event or webinar;
• you contact us with any other inquiry, complaint or notice.
5. What types of personal information are collected and what do we use it for?
The following is a summary of the types of personal information we collect, and the purposes for which that information is used.
a. Website Users
Aglosi collects your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number and any other personally-identifiable information which you voluntarily provide as “comments” when you submit an inquiry through the “Contact Us” tool. Aglosi also collects other
background information about you in connection with career-related inquiries that you submit through its website.
b. Aglosi may also automatically collect personal information (through the use of Cookies or similar technologies, including your IP address, device identifier, browsing patterns on its websites, click stream data, and HTP protocol elements) to
ensure the effective operation of the website or in order to align the presentation of our Services more closely to your requirements (for example, processing information about your broad geographic location to serve you with a local version of this website). This tracking information is stored in an anonymous, aggregated and nonpersonal format, and is also used to understand and analyze trends, to administer the websites, and to learn about user behavior on the websites.
c. Please refer to our Cookie Policy for a more detailed overview on how Aglosi uses Cookies.
d. In certain instances, Aglosi may use IP addresses to help identify you when Aglosi feels, in its sole discretion, that it is necessary to enforce compliance with this Privacy Policy, to protect its services, websites, systems, information, employees, business partners, subsidiaries, affiliates, users, customers or others, or when required by law or for law enforcement purposes.
6. Aglosi’s Former, Current and Prospective Clients
If you submit an inquiry to Aglosi about our Services (either over the website, or by emailing, telephoning or meeting with one of our colleagues), then we will process information such as your name, job title and contact information in order to respond to your inquiry.
If you attend an Aglosi event or webinar, or if you associate with an Aglosi colleague at, for example, an industry event, then Aglosi may collect basic personal information, such as contact details, which you voluntarily provide (for example, by filling in a form or handing over a business card) in order to facilitate your participation in the event, and for the management of our relationship with you as an actual or prospective client.
If you or the organization you are associated with becomes an Aglosi client, then we may process your personal information in order to:
• carry out “Know Your Client” checks and screening prior to starting a new engagement (as well as basic contact information, this may mean processing compliance related information such as proof of your identity, information about your professional
background, history of directorships and, in some circumstance, details of any criminal convictions or adverse media coverage);
• carry out background checks for the purposes of complying with anti-money laundering and terrorist financing laws;
• carry out client communication, service, billing and administration;
• deal with client complaints; and
• administer claims.
Taking account of applicable marketing laws, we also process personal information about our clients (former, current and prospective) in order to:
• send our clients newsletters, know-how, promotional material and other marketing communications;
• invite our clients to events (and arrange and administer those events).
7. Performing Services for Our Clients
As discussed above, many of our Services involve the processing of personal information. In the majority of cases, personal information is provided to us in strict confidence, subject to restrictive undertakings on its use / disclosure.
Other Uses
If you apply for a position with Aglosi we will need to collect personal information in order to consider your application, and during any interview and assessment phase.
If you inquire about Aglosi we will collect basic personal information required to register you as a client.
Finally, if you contact us for any other reason, we will collect basic contact details, as well as any other personal information relevant to the reason for your enquiry, in order to resolve that inquiry.
What is our legal basis for collecting personal information?
All processing (i.e. use) of your personal information is justified by a “lawful basis” for processing. In the majority of cases, processing will be justified on the basis that:
• the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party, or to take steps (at your request) to enter into a contract (e.g. where you request certain.
Services as an individual client, or where we help advise your employer or service provider on fulfilling an obligation to you under a contract);
• the processing is necessary for us to comply with a relevant legal obligation (e.g. where we are required to collect certain information about our clients for tax or accounting purposes, or where we are required to make disclosures to courts or regulators); or
• the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest (e.g. background checks for anti-money laundering and terrorist financing purposes); or
• the processing is in our legitimate interests, subject to due consideration for your interests and fundamental rights (this is the basis we rely upon for the majority of the processing of personal information in connection with the provision of our Services, and also for the purposes of most client on-boarding, administration and relationship management activities).
In limited circumstances, we will use your consent as the basis for processing your personal information, for example, where we are required by applicable law to obtain your prior consent in order to send you marketing communications.
Before collecting and/or using any special categories of data or criminal record data, we will establish a lawful exemption which will allow us to use that information. This exemption will typically be:
• your explicit consent;
• the establishment, exercise or defense by us or third parties of legal claims Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties
Aglosi will not disclose your personal information to third parties other than as described in this Privacy Policy unless Aglosi has your permission or is required or permitted by law.
Aglosi may share such information with its affiliates as necessary to carry out the purposes for which the information was supplied or collected. Similarly, third party contractors, consultants and/or vendors engaged by Aglosi to provide services may have access to your personal information. These third parties will be subject to their own data protection requirements providing the same or greater level of security provided by Aglosi and in most instances will also have entered into a written agreement with Aglosi which addresses the protection of your personal information.
Aglosi may also disclose your personal information for the purposes of:
• responding to requests from law enforcement agencies, regulators or courts, or to subpoenas, search warrants, or other legal requests;
• the prevention and/or detection of crime;
• establishing legal rights or to investigate or pursue legal claims;
• a merger, acquisition or corporate restructuring to which Aglosi is subject;
• preventing risk of harm to an individual.
Changes to this Policy
By using Aglosi websites you consent to the collection, use and storage of personal information as described in this Privacy Policy and elsewhere on the websites. Aglosi reserves the right to make changes to this Website Privacy Policy from time to time. Aglosi will notify you by posting amendments to the Privacy Policy on this website.
Contact Us
If you have questions or concerns regarding this policy or Aglosi’s personal data processing policies, please contact Aglosi at: