I started at a very early age problem-solving, small tasks like fundraising to be a ble to participate in team trips. Organizing chaos when adults were MIA.
As I got older I wasn’t surprised when I heard my name as “the fixer”, “the organizer”, the creative one, the person that gets the job done.
My tenacity and confidence to realize this unique situation was constructed from my extended background.
As an ex-professional basketball player in Europe, recipient of the “All-American” basketball honor, Hall of Fame inductee, and US Army Veteran–(one of few women in the front-line supporting the 1st Calvary infantry troops in desert Storm).
I knew when I went to the Army I wasn’t going to stay to retire; fortunately, when I went to war, I promised myself that if I came back alive I was going to finish college and create my path in life. It wasn’t until I made my way back to college that my destiny started taking shape.
I learned about the project management profession (PMP) and immediately formulated a plan to be involved with the Project Management Institute (PMI). My first formal project management position was with IBM working on a special team to solve the chaos of the millennium bug.